
The module utils is an ensemble of functions to re-process some of the outputs generated by pypam

To merge or re-index output

reindexing_datetime(da, first_datetime, ...) Reindex the datetime of your data and fill missing values
join_all_ds_output_station(directory_path, ...) Return a DataArray by joining the data you selected from all the output ds for one station
join_all_ds_output_deployment(...[, drop]) Return a DataArray by joining the data you selected from all the output ds for one deployment
select_datetime_range(da_sxx, ...)
merge_ds(ds, new_ds, attrs_to_vars) Merges de new_ds into the ds, the attributes that are file depending are converted to another coordinate depending on datetime.

To join frequency bands

get_bands_limits(band, nfft, base, ...)
get_hybrid_millidecade_limits(band, nfft)
spectra_ds_to_bands(psd, bands_limits, ...) Group the psd according to the limits band_limits given.


compute_spd(psd_evolution[, data_var, h, ...])