
The module plots is an ensemble of functions to plot pypam output’s in different ways

plot_spd(spd[, log, save_path, ax, show]) Plot the SPD graph of the bin
plot_spectrum_mean(ds, data_var[, log, ...]) Plot the mean spectrum
plot_ltsa(ds, data_var[, log, save_path, ...]) Plot the evolution of the ds containing percentiles and band values
plot_summary_dataset(ds, percentiles[, ...]) Plots a summary of the data combining the LTSA and a SPD.
plot_daily_patterns_from_ds(ds, data_var[, ...]) Plot the daily rms patterns
plot_rms_evolution(ds[, save_path, ax, show]) Plot the rms evolution
plot_aggregation_evolution(ds, data_var, mode) Plot the aggregation evolution with boxplot or violin, the limits of the box are Q1 and Q3