Pypam 0.2.0


The goal of pypam is to allow easy reading and processing of acoustic underwater data. pypam further depends on pyhydrophone for hydrophone metadata management and calibration.

pypam facilitates processing of *.wav files resulting from underwater acoustic deployments. It enables application of existing methods of acoustic data processing, and it allows the processing of several deployments with one line of code, so it is easy to create datasets to work with. pypam is oriented to extracting features that can be used for machine learning algorithms or to the extraction of broad acoustic information in time-series.

Getting Started

Example Gallery

Citing pypam


If you find this package useful in your research, we would appreciate citations to:

Parcerisas (2023). lifewatch/pypam: A package to process underwater acoustics time series. Zenodo.

About the project

This project has been funded by LifeWatch Belgium.


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Indices and tables