
pypam.utils.spectra_ds_to_bands(psd, bands_limits, bands_c, fft_bin_width, db=True)[source]

Group the psd according to the limits band_limits given. If a limit is not aligned with the limits in the psd frequency axis then that psd frequency bin is divided in proportion to each of the adjacent bands. For more details see publication Ocean Sound Analysis Software for Making Ambient Noise Trends Accessible (MANTA) (

psd: xarray DataArray

Output of pypam spectrum function. It should not be directly the dataset

bands_limits: list or array

Limits of the desired bands

bands_c: list or array

Centre of the bands (used only of the output frequency axis naming)

fft_bin_width: float

fft bin width in seconds

db: bool

Set to True to return db instead of linear units

xarray DataArray with frequency_bins instead of frequency as a dimension.