class pypam.dataset.DataSet(summary_path, output_folder, instruments, temporal_features=None, frequency_features=None, bands_list=None, binsize=60.0, bin_overlap=0.0, nfft=512, fft_overlap=0, dc_subtract=False)[source]ΒΆ

A DataSet object is a representation of a group of acoustic deployments. It allows to calculate all the acoustic features from all the deployments and store them in a structured way in the output folder. The structure is as follows:

  • output_folder
  • output_folder/deployments: a *.nc (netCDF) file for each deployment
  • output_folder/detections: files resulting of the events detections. One folder per detection type
  • output_folder/img: graphs and figures
  • output_folder/img/temporal_features : temporal evolution of all features per deployment
  • output_folder/img/data_overview : spatial and temporal coverage, and methods used
  • output_folder/img/features_analysis : still to be discussed
  • output_folder/img/spatial_features : spatial distribution of features
summary_pathstring or Path

Path to the csv file where all the metadata of the deployments is

output_folderstring or Path

Where to save the output files (*.nc) of the deployments with the processed data

instrumentsdictionary of (name, instrument_object) entries

A dictionary of all the instruments used in the deployments

temporal_featureslist of strings

A list of all the features to be calculated

bands_listlist of tuples

A list of all the bands to consider (low_freq, high_freq)

frequency_featureslist of strings

List of all the frequency features to compute


In seconds, duration of windows to consider


Number of samples of window to use for frequency analysis